Workshop ING - programmeer een robot
Workshop ING - programmeer een robot

Have you always wanted to play around with a robot? ING will facilitate a workshop where you have the opportunity to work with our robot Pepper. You will learn more about what ING does with a robot, how programming a robot works and you will be challenged to make Pepper do some cool tricks. So are you ready to use your programming skills to win the race? We are excited to meet you at the ING workshop!

If you are not able to install Unity and the required packages, you can still come to the workshop! You can work together with someone who does have Unity installed.



Windows 7 or higher
Unity (5.x 32bit works best)
Code editor such as Visual Studio (Code)
Download Library files:
Download Unity package (v3.01):

1. Create a new Unity project
2. Place the unzipped ‘qi_dlls’ folder in the Library folder of your new Unity project
3. Open your new project in Unity and click Assets -> Import package -> Custom Package -> locate BakuLibqiUnity and import the package file inside.

For more information: 

  • Commissie: SpoCie
  • Begin: ma 25 mrt 2019, 13:00
  • Eind: ma 25 mrt 2019, 15:00
  • Locatie: BBG 075
  • Organisator: A–Eskwadraat
  • Categorie: Arbeidsmarktoriëntatie
  • Poster: Nee