Arrange your flowers!
Arrange your flowers!
Why wait until Mother's day? If you really want to surprise your mother, then give her a homemade flower bouquet two weeks BEFORE Mother's day! Interested? Then join the AxiCie in an afternoon of arranging flowers! If you're there at 3 pm, you will have enough time to make a sizable Mother's day bouquet. Will you be running late, not a problem! You can always use your creativity to make a smaller bouquet, because the afternoon doesn't end until 6 pm!
  • Committee: AxiCie
  • Start: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 15:00
  • End: Thu 26 Apr 2012, 18:00
  • Locatie: BBL005
  • Organizer: A–Eskwadraat
  • Poster: Nee