Online Zwarte Piste
Online Zwarte Piste

Following the GameShow there will be an Online Zwarte Piste and you can have a drink in the Discord.

Register your group at: 

What else is the idea of the Online Zwarte Piste?
We make a.d.h.v. all groups that submit a time division along the lines of group X and group Y to time X together. All this takes place in the DIES Discord. Then you and your group come up with a fun game with an extra game element. For example SmashKarts with the rule, if you bump into someone you have to take a sip. Of course you can choose with which drink the online black piste plays.

Sign up for either the Online Zwarte Piste or come and have a drink with, for example, a (normal) game of Scribbl while others do the Online Zwarte Piste and get to know the people within the association better!

The link to the Discord: