Workshop Jane Street
Workshop Jane Street

Estimathon Game & Intro to Jane Street

Jane Street will give you a brief introduction to what they do and answer any questions you might have, followed by a competition that will challenge you to estimate numerical answers to math, science and general knowledge questions.

You can join with friends as a team, or as and individual (and we'll put you in a team). There'll be prizes, a complicated scoring system, plus food and drinks.

We hope you can join us! Please register if you would like to come.


Jane Street is a quantitative trading firm with a unique focus on technology and collaborative problem solving.

  • Actposter
  • Commissie: SpoCie
  • Begin: wo 27 feb 2019, 13:00
  • Eind: wo 27 feb 2019, 15:00
  • Locatie: BBG 0.77
  • Toegangsprijs: Free
  • Organisator: A–Eskwadraat
  • Categorie: Arbeidsmarktoriëntatie
  • Maximum aantal deelnemers: 40
  • Poster: Ja