
The ContribuCie

The ContribuCie is responsible for various aspects of the member administration. Most of which you can find on the Members-pages. Other matters concerning the ContribuCie are:

  • Address changes
  • The mailinglist of A-Eskwadraat
  • Why do you need a username and how do you change the password?
  • Graduates

Address changes

When you have moved, or for some other reason have a new mailing address, you should also notify A-Eskwadraat. You can do that, for example, by sending a change of address (to: Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht) or by dropping by the book store to give your new address.
Of course, you can also send me an email ( with your change of address.

The mailinglist

If you want to unsubscribe from the A-Eskwadraat mailing, you can do that by following the steps below. However, we hope that you want us to keep you notified of activities that A-Eskwadraat organizes for you.

  1. Login on this website (In case you don't have a login, click on the link 'Help!')
  2. Now click on your own name (left upper corner) and then click the pencil on the right hand side
  3. If you want to unsubscribe from a mailing, uncheck the relevant box at the 'Subcriptions'
  4. Hit 'Change'

Username & password for the website

The information in the Members-database is meant for looking up fellow students and A-Eskwadraat members. Non-members are not allowed to use this system. Improper use of the personal information will be reported to the police.

In order to be able to buy books via Bookweb, you need a login. To get a login, click on the link 'Help!' in the left upper corner of this page. You are then prompted for either your emailaddress (which is known to us, probably your faculty emailaddress), student number or membership number.

Still having problems with your login, or you don't know what emailaddress we have of you, or maybe we don't have an emailaddress of you at all? If so, please mail me (officer of Internal Affairs), or ask for help at the book store (opened daily on working days from 11:30 to 13:30). You can also ask a board member that is working in the A-Eskwadraat living room.


If you have graduated or quit your study, your membership at A-Eskwadraat ends. At the end of the year we check who is still a student, all other memberships will be ended. If you graduate in mid-year, please let me know.

Joris Moens