TeXniCie: A–Eskwadraat packages
TeXniCie: A–Eskwadraat packages

A–Eskwadraat packages: Installation

Version: 2018-02-07 (r828).

Installation instructions for Windows

  1. Download the A–Eskwadraat LaTeX Collection from the link above.
  2. We now look for the directory with all the LaTeX packages. Try out the following directories by entering it in the address bar of Windows Explorer (or pressing Start+R and paste the address there):

    The default location for a global MiKTeX installation:

    C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex

    Else the default location for a local MiKTeX installation:


    In the unlikely case both directories don't exist, open MiKTeX Console, and in Settings > Directories try the directories with 'Install' as 'Purpose'. Do you find a map existing here? Go to the directory tex and then latex.

  3. Copy the files in the A–Eskwadraat package zip to this directory.
  4. We need to inform MiKTeX we changed some files. Open MiKTeX Console and execute
    Tasks > Refresh file name database.
  5. When updating the A–Eskwadraat LaTeX Collection, previous step needs to be repeated.

Installation instructions for Linux & Mac

  1. Download the A–Eskwadraat LaTeX Collection from the link above.
  2. Copy the directory a-es2-latex to /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/ (or /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex if the first doesn't work).
  3. Execute in the terminal:
    sudo texhash
Not getting it to work? Contact us: Contact